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Emory University's Football Team?

I'm considering applying to Emory University, but was wondering if they have a football team? Athletics is a big part of my life and I'd like to join a football team on campus.

3 months ago

Emory University does not have a football team as part of its athletics program. While Emory has a strong emphasis on academics and is well-known for its programs in the sciences, business, and nursing, the university offers various other sports at the NCAA Division III level. Some of these sports include soccer, basketball, swimming, diving, golf, track and field, and tennis, among others.

If football is a crucial component of your college experience, you may want to consider other universities that have football teams and also align with your academic interests. However, if Emory otherwise appears to be a great fit for you academically and socially, you may want to explore other sports offered at the university or look into club or intramural sports available on campus to find other athletic opportunities that interest you.

3 months ago

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