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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Lee College in Baytown: What should I know?

I'm considering applying to Lee College in Baytown and wanted to learn more about the school itself. Can someone tell me more about the campus vibe, academics, and extracurricular activities? Any experiences or info would be super helpful!

8 months ago

Lee College, located in Baytown, Texas, is a public community college known for providing affordable and quality education in various fields, with programs leading to associate degrees and certificates. It has a diverse student population, and many students attend Lee College to complete their basic core courses before transferring to a four-year college or university.

Campus Vibe: The campus has a friendly and open vibe, as you can find many students socializing in common areas and participating in events. The relatively small campus size allows for closer relationships with faculty and staff, which can foster a personalized educational experience. Baytown and its surrounding area offer various activities, including shopping, dining, and parks.

Academics: Lee College offers a variety of associate degree programs, such as arts, sciences, and applied sciences, in addition to technical and continuing education programs. Some popular areas of study include process technology, nursing, accounting, and education, to name a few. The college has gained recognition for its emphasis on vocational and workforce training programs, which prepare students for in-demand jobs in the local industry.

Extracurricular Activities: Lee College presents a mix of extracurricular and co-curricular opportunities to help students develop a well-rounded experience. These include academic clubs like Phi Theta Kappa (an honor society for two-year college students), professional organizations, student government, and recreational and special interest clubs, such as art, drama, and intramural sports. The college also has a Performing Arts Center that promotes cultural and artistic programs for the campus and community.

Students at Lee College can expect a supportive and inclusive environment with excellent academic options to help them achieve their educational and career goals.

8 months ago

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