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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where is Northern Kentucky University located?

Hey everyone! I'm considering applying to Northern Kentucky University (NKU) and was wondering about its location. What city is it in, and what can you tell me about the surrounding area? Are there things to do off-campus or is it more of a quiet, suburban environment?

3 months ago

Northern Kentucky University (NKU) is located in Highland Heights, Kentucky, which is a suburban area just south of Cincinnati, Ohio. The immediate surrounding area of Highland Heights offers a quieter, suburban environment, with some stores and restaurants available close to campus.

However, the campus is about 7 miles from downtown Cincinnati, so students have easy access to urban amenities, such as entertainment, dining, sports events, and cultural attractions. In Cincinnati, you can visit popular attractions like the Cincinnati Art Museum, the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden, and the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center. The city also has a vibrant arts scene with theaters, galleries, and music venues, and you can attend Bengals football games on Sundays.

Overall, the location of NKU combines the benefits of a suburban setting with the excitement of a nearby urban center, to provide students with a balanced college experience. I hope this information helps you with your college search!

3 months ago

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