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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What is a good timeline for the college application process?

Hey guys! I'm a junior in high school, and I'm trying to create a timeline for the college application process. Can anyone share a good timeline or some milestones I should aim for during my junior and senior year? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hey there! It's great that you're thinking ahead and planning for the college application process. Here's a general timeline that you can use as a starting point, but remember that every student's journey might differ slightly.

Junior Year:

1. Fall: Start researching colleges, visit campuses if possible, and attend college fairs.

2. Winter: Begin preparing for standardized tests (SAT/ACT) and take them in the spring.

3. Spring: Meet with your school counselor to discuss college options and financial aid. Continue visiting campuses and attend open houses.

4. Summer: Narrow down your list of colleges, start working on your personal statement, and reach out to teachers for letters of recommendation.

Senior Year:

1. Fall: Submit your FAFSA as soon as possible, finalize your college list, and begin working on college applications.

2. Winter: Complete and submit all college applications, including Early Decision/Early Action if applicable.

3. Spring: Wait for admission decisions, compare financial aid packages, and make a final decision by May 1st.

Good luck on your college journey, and I hope this timeline helps you stay organized!

a year ago

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