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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Thoughts on Savannah State University?

Hey there! I've been looking into Savannah State University and was curious if it's a Division 1 school. Also, what do you guys think about the academics and campus life there?

11 months ago

Savannah State University is a Division II school, not Division I, and is a member of the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (SIAC). So if you were specifically looking for a Division I athletics experience, you might want to explore other universities. However, being a Division II school does not mean that the level of competition or athletic programs are of poor quality. Many student-athletes find great experiences and opportunities in Division II schools.

In terms of academics, Savannah State University (SSU) offers over 30 undergraduate and graduate programs. SSU is particularly known for its programs in marine sciences, homeland security, and emergency management. Be sure to research the programs you're interested in to ensure they align with your academic goals, as the quality of programs can vary from department to department.

Campus life at SSU is typically described as friendly and diverse, with various clubs, organizations, and extracurriculars available to students. Located in Savannah, Georgia, the campus offers a balance between the historic charm of the city and natural beauty. There are numerous events and traditions, such as homecoming and Spring Fling, which contribute to a vibrant and engaging campus atmosphere.

However, it's essential to keep in mind that each individual's experience can vary greatly, and what one person enjoys, another might not find as fulfilling. When considering a college, it's crucial to consider factors such as academic offerings, location, campus culture, and your priorities. Additionally, if you can, try to visit SSU or attend a virtual tour to get a better sense of whether it's the right fit for you.

11 months ago

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