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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Spelman College: Location, Campus, and Experience?

Hello! I've been hearing a lot about Spelman College and I might be interested in applying there. Can someone please tell me where it's situated, what the campus environment is like, and what their educational experience has been? Thanks in advance!

3 months ago

Spelman College is a private historically Black women's liberal arts college located in Atlanta, Georgia. It's part of the Atlanta University Center Consortium, which also includes Morehouse College, Clark Atlanta University, and Morehouse School of Medicine. This location offers plenty of opportunities for students to get involved in the broader Atlanta community, participate in internships, and explore cultural and entertainment events in the city.

The campus itself is relatively small, with a tight-knit community feel. Spelman is known for its picturesque campus and beautifully landscaped grounds, featuring classic brick buildings and green spaces for students to gather and study. It is a gated campus, providing a safe and intimate environment for students.

As for the educational experience, Spelman College is highly regarded for its strong academics and commitment to empowering female leaders. The college offers over 30 majors across a broad range of disciplines, with popular majors including psychology, biology, and political science, among others. The faculty is known for being supportive and accessible, and the classes are often small, allowing for personalized attention and meaningful interactions between students and professors.

Spelman takes pride in its strong sense of sisterhood and community, which is cultivated through various traditions, such as the annual Founders Day celebration and the Miss Spelman Pageant. There are also numerous extracurricular opportunities - from clubs and student organizations to sororities and community service initiatives. Many students describe their experience at Spelman as transformative and empowering, and the college has a long history of producing successful and influential alumnae.

Overall, Spelman College's location, campus, and educational experience provide a unique and supportive environment for women seeking a high-quality liberal arts education. If you're interested in a historically Black institution with strong academics and a close-knit community, Spelman could be a great fit for you!

3 months ago

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