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What are the most important factors to consider when comparing financial aid packages?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior, and I'm starting to think about the financial aspects of college. When the time comes, what factors should I consider when comparing financial aid packages from different schools? Are there any hidden costs I should watch out for? Thanks in advance for your advice!

a year ago

Hi there! It's great that you're already thinking about the financial aspects of college. When comparing financial aid packages, it's important to consider the following factors: 1) The total cost of attendance (tuition, fees, room and board, books, and personal expenses). Some schools might offer a seemingly attractive financial aid package, but the total cost of attendance might still be high. 2) The amount of grants and scholarships, which don't need to be repaid, versus loans, which do need to be repaid. 3) Work-study opportunities, which can help cover expenses while you're in school. When it comes to hidden costs, be mindful of things like travel expenses, study abroad fees, and any additional costs for specific majors (like lab fees). Don't hesitate to ask the financial aid office for clarification on any aspect of your package. Good luck!

a year ago

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