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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Tennessee Tech University Location

Hey! I'm a high school junior and I just came across Tennessee Technological University. Can someone tell me about its exact location and the surrounding environment? Is it an urban or rural campus and what's the local community like?

11 months ago

Tennessee Technological University, commonly known as Tennessee Tech, is located in Cookeville, Tennessee. Cookeville is a small city situated between Nashville and Knoxville. The campus itself has a mix of both urban and rural elements, as it is close to the city center while also offering access to nearby outdoor recreational areas.

The University is set on around 267 acres of land and is surrounded by a mix of residential areas, local businesses, and green spaces. It's neither an urban campus like you might find in a large city nor a completely rural campus in the middle of nowhere. The campus has a balance of both, providing students with a blend of city life and natural beauty.

The local community in Cookeville is welcoming and supportive, with a population of around 36,000 people. The city has a small-town feel and offers a variety of amenities, including shopping centers, restaurants, parks, and entertainment options.

For those who enjoy outdoor activities, there are numerous opportunities to explore, such as hiking at the nearby state parks, like Cummins Falls State Park, Burgess Falls State Park, and Rock Island State Park. The presence of the university also adds a vibrant college-town atmosphere to the area, with various cultural events and programs regularly organized for the students and the community.

In summary, Tennessee Tech has the feel of a cozy college-town campus balanced between more urban and rural elements, with a welcoming local community and access to various amenities and outdoor activities.

11 months ago

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