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UMD Duluth Athletics: What's it Like?

I'm thinking about applying to the University of Minnesota Duluth and I've heard that athletics are a big part of campus life. Can anyone who's familiar with UMD Duluth tell me more about the sports programs there? What are the most popular sports and do people attend events often?

10 months ago

UMD Duluth has a strong athletic culture, and sports events tend to draw a good amount of student and community participation. The Bulldogs, as they are nicknamed, are part of NCAA Division II for most sports, but compete at the NCAA Division I level for men's and women's ice hockey. The most popular sports at UMD Duluth are definitely ice hockey, football, and basketball.

Ice hockey is probably the most popular sport at UMD, with both the men's and women's teams consistently performing well. These teams have a large, enthusiastic fanbase, which makes attending hockey games a thrilling experience. The men's team has won multiple national championships (most recently in 2019), and the women's team has a strong record too.

Football and basketball are also popular spectator sports on campus. Home games tend to generate a lot of excitement and energy, as students, alumni, and community members come together to cheer on the Bulldogs.

Aside from the larger sporting events, UMD also offers a variety of intramural and club sports for students interested in participating in athletics on a less competitive level. The options include everything from soccer and volleyball to more niche sports like ultimate frisbee and quidditch.

Overall, the athletic culture at UMD Duluth is quite lively and offers plenty of opportunities for both student-athletes and spectators to engage with and enjoy sports throughout the academic year.

10 months ago

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