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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is it better to take a gap year before college?

Hi there! I'm considering taking a gap year before college, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea. What are the pros and cons of taking a gap year? How do colleges view students who take a gap year? Thanks for your advice!

a year ago

Hi! It's great that you're considering all your options before diving into college. Taking a gap year can be a wonderful opportunity, but it's important to weigh the pros and cons. Some pros of taking a gap year include gaining real-world experience, having time to mature and grow, and potentially discovering new interests or career paths. It can also help you recharge your batteries after high school, making you more focused and motivated when you start college. On the downside, there might be a risk of losing momentum in your studies, and you could feel out of sync with your peers who are a year ahead of you in college. As for how colleges view gap years, most are quite supportive of the idea, as long as you can demonstrate that you've used the time productively (e.g., volunteering, working, traveling, or learning new skills). Some colleges even offer deferral options specifically for students who want to take a gap year. Ultimately, whether a gap year is right for you depends on your personal goals, interests, and circumstances. Make sure to discuss your plans with your family, school counselor, or others who can help guide your decision. Best of luck!

a year ago

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