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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How do I decide which college major is right for me?

Hey guys! I'm a junior who's starting to think about what I want to study in college. I have a few interests, but I'm not sure which major would be the best fit for me. How did you all decide on your majors? What factors should I consider when making my decision? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

a year ago

It's great that you're starting to think about your college major early on! When it comes to choosing a major, it's essential to consider your interests, strengths, and long-term goals. Reflect on subjects you've enjoyed in high school and think about how they might translate into a college major. Talk to your teachers, school counselor, or people who work in fields you're interested in, and ask about their experiences with their majors. You can also research various majors and their potential career paths to get a better idea of what might suit you. Keep in mind that many students change their major during college, so don't feel too pressured to make a definite decision right now. Focus on finding a college that offers a range of majors you're interested in, and remember that you'll have some time to explore different subjects before settling on a specific major. Good luck!

a year ago

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