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When should I start contacting college coaches for athletic recruitment?

Hello! I'm a junior and I'm interested in being recruited for college athletics. When should I start reaching out to college coaches and what's the best way to get their attention? Also, should I be making a highlight video to show them my skills? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hi there! Congrats on considering college athletics - it's an exciting journey. In general, it's a good idea to start reaching out to college coaches during your junior year, as this gives you ample time to get on their radar before the recruitment process ramps up.

To catch their attention, make sure your initial contact is personalized; research each school and their athletic program, and mention specific aspects that appeal to you. Don't hesitate to attend sports camps, showcases, or clinics hosted by your target schools, as they can provide valuable face-time with coaches and staff.

Regarding the highlight video, it's definitely a great idea! Coaches will want to see your skills in action, so make sure to include footage from games, practices, or training sessions. Keep it concise, but showcase your strengths and versatility.

Remember to also maintain a strong academic record, as this will make you a more attractive candidate overall. Best of luck with your athletic recruitment journey!

a year ago

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