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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is it okay to write about a common topic in my college essay?

Hey guys, I'm brainstorming ideas for my college essay and I'm worried that my topic might be too common. Do you think it's okay to write about a common topic as long as I put my own unique spin on it? Thanks for any advice!

a year ago

Absolutely! It's completely fine to write about a common topic in your college essay. The key is to make it personal and unique to your own experiences and perspective. Admissions officers are less concerned with the specific topic and more interested in getting to know you as an individual through your writing. Focus on the aspects of the topic that are most meaningful to you, and use your essay to showcase your personality, values, and growth. Remember that the goal is to stand out and make a lasting impression, so be genuine and share your own truth. As long as you're able to demonstrate your ability to think critically, write effectively, and provide insight into who you are, the topic itself becomes less important. Good luck with your essay, and remember to stay true to yourself!

a year ago

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