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What are the consequences of plagiarizing a college application essay?

Hey guys, I'm just curious (not planning to do it, I promise!) - what happens if someone plagiarizes a college application essay? Do they get blacklisted from all colleges or something? Just wondering how serious the consequences are. Thanks!

a year ago

Hey there! I'm glad you're not planning on plagiarizing your essay, but it's a good question to ask. Plagiarizing a college application essay is a seriously risky move and it comes with severe consequences.

First off, if the admissions officers catch on that the essay is plagiarized, the applicant will likely be rejected right away. Admissions teams use various tools, like Turnitin or their own methods, to check for plagiarism. And keep in mind that these professionals read thousands of essays every year, so they're pretty good at spotting anything that seems off.

Now, let's say the plagiarized essay somehow slips through the cracks and the student gets accepted. If the college later discovers the dishonesty, the student can be expelled, have their degree revoked, or face other serious penalties. Additionally, their academic reputation could be ruined, making it difficult to transfer or attend another institution.

Lastly, while there isn't a universal 'blacklist' for all colleges, admissions officers may talk to one another and share information about dishonest applicants. So, plagiarizing an essay can potentially harm one's chances at multiple schools.

In short, it's not worth the risk. It's always better to submit an original essay that truly reflects who you are and what you have to offer.

a year ago

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