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How do I explain a bad grade on my college application?

I have one bad grade on my transcript, and I'm worried it will hurt my chances of getting accepted. Is there a way to address this in my college application or should I just hope they don't notice?

a year ago

It's understandable to be concerned about a bad grade on your transcript, but remember that college admissions officers look at the whole picture when evaluating applicants. They understand that everyone has ups and downs throughout their academic career.

To address this, you can use the 'Additional Information' section on your application to explain any extenuating circumstances surrounding the grade, such as personal issues or health problems. Be brief and honest, providing context without making excuses. Also, emphasize how you've learned from the experience and improved since then.

For example, my child had a poor grade in one semester due to a family emergency. They briefly explained the situation in the 'Additional Information' section and focused on their academic improvement and resilience afterward. Ultimately, they were accepted into their top-choice school. So, don't let one bad grade define your application; be proactive and showcase your strengths and growth.

a year ago

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