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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is it worth retaking the SAT or ACT to improve my score?

Hey everyone! I've taken the SAT once and the ACT once, but I'm not sure if my scores are good enough for the colleges I'm interested in. Is it worth retaking one or both of the tests to try to improve my scores, or should I focus on other parts of my application? Any advice would be great! Thank you!

a year ago

Hey there! It's great that you're being proactive about your college applications. Deciding whether to retake the SAT or ACT can be a tough choice, but it really depends on your individual situation. First, consider the average scores for the colleges you're interested in applying to. If your scores are within the middle 50% range or higher, you might be in a good position already. However, if your scores are below that range, retaking one or both tests could be beneficial. Remember that some colleges also superscore, meaning they'll take your highest section scores from different test dates, so retaking the test might help you in that regard as well. It's also important to think about how much time you have left before application deadlines and whether you can balance test prep with other aspects of your application, like writing essays and obtaining letters of recommendation. If you think you have a good chance of improving your scores and it won't detract from other parts of your application, go for it! But if you feel that your time would be better spent focusing on other areas, it might be best to prioritize those. Good luck, and feel free to ask more questions if needed!

a year ago

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