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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can I write about mental health in my college essay?

Hi all! I'm considering writing about my experiences with mental health in my college essay, but I'm not sure if it's an appropriate topic. Do you think discussing mental health issues could be seen as too personal or negative?

a year ago

Hello! Writing about your experiences with mental health can be a powerful and meaningful topic for a college essay, as long as you approach it carefully. Colleges appreciate when students are open and honest about their personal experiences, as it shows resilience and personal growth.

It's important to focus on how you've overcome the challenges related to mental health and what you've learned from the experience. However, you should avoid going into excessive detail about the specific mental health issues or sharing anything too dark or distressing.

For example, my child wrote about their journey with anxiety and how it led them to participate in mindfulness and meditation practices. This allowed them to showcase their growth and newfound coping mechanisms. Be sure to emphasize the positive aspects of your journey, and how it has shaped you into who you are today. Good luck with your essay!

a year ago

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