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Thoughts on FSU's international relations program?

Hey everyone, I'm really interested in international relations and I'm considering FSU. Has anyone been through their program or know someone who has? I'd love to hear about your experiences and how well-regarded the program is. Thanks!

7 months ago

Hi there! Florida State University's (FSU) International Relations program is considered quite strong and offers a solid education in the field. The program is housed within the College of Social Sciences and Public Policy, which has a good faculty with diverse experience and research interests. Students often praise the quality of the classes and the passionate professors who teach them.

The program covers a broad range of topics including global politics, comparative politics, and international political economy, as well as regional studies. Students have the opportunity to specialize in areas of interest such as National Security Studies or European and Eurasian Studies. Required classes provide a strong theoretical foundation, and electives allow further exploration of specific subjects and issues.

One key strength of FSU's International Relations program is the ample opportunities for internships, study abroad experiences, and extracurricular engagement. The college offers students connections to internships at various state and federal government agencies, international organizations, and advocacy groups. Additionally, FSU has an extensive study abroad network with programs in Europe, Asia, and the Americas, which can be highly valuable for students of International Relations.

It's also worth checking out the various clubs and organizations on campus, such as the World Affairs Program, which provides debate training and academic and social opportunities for students in the field. Participating in such groups can help you find like-minded individuals and make the most out of your college experience.

To sum it up, FSU's International Relations program is well-regarded and offers a comprehensive education in the field, as well as numerous opportunities for practical experience through internships and study abroad programs. Connecting with current students and alumni could give you additional insight into the program and what to expect. I hope this information helps you in your decision-making process!

7 months ago

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