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SAT: 720 math
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California Miramar University: D1?

Hi everyone! I've been researching California Miramar University and was wondering if it's a Division 1 school. Any info would be helpful! Thanks!

7 months ago

California Miramar University (CMU) is not classified as a Division 1 school. Division 1, Division 2, and Division 3 categories, as defined by the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association), typically apply to colleges and universities that offer athletics at a competitive level and provide funding and resources for their athletic programs.

CMU is a private, for-profit institution focused on business and management programs. It does not have a significant emphasis on athletics or sports programs, and therefore does not fall under the Division 1 classification or any other NCAA divisions. If you are interested in pursuing higher education at an institution with a strong athletics program, it would be a good idea to explore other colleges and universities that are members of the NCAA and participate in one of its divisions.

I hope this information is helpful and answers your question about California Miramar University's classification concerning athletic divisions.

7 months ago

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