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Do you guys think I should put a title on my college essay?

So I just finished the first draft of my essay, and I'm not sure if I should add a title or not. Does it make a difference in how the admissions officers view it? What are your thoughts on this? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hi there! Congrats on finishing the first draft of your college essay! Adding a title to your essay can be a personal preference, but it's not a requirement. Some students find it helpful to have a title as it can help set the tone or theme of their essay. However, others may prefer to let their writing speak for itself.

From my experience my application process, the most important aspect of the essay is the content itself. Admissions officers are more focused on your story, your writing style, and how you express your ideas. A title might catch their attention, but it's not going to make or break your essay. If you feel like a title adds value to your essay and helps convey your message, go for it! But if you're unsure, it's okay to leave it without a title too.

Just make sure you revise and polish your essay to make it the best it can be. Best of luck with your college applications!

a year ago

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