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Is it okay to write about mental health in my college essay?

Hey guys, as a junior in high school, I've been thinking about what to write for my college essay. I've struggled with mental health issues in the past, and I'm wondering if it's appropriate to share this in my essay. Will this negatively affect my admission chances? Thanks for the help!

a year ago

Hi there! It's great to see that you're thinking about the college essay process early. Writing about mental health can be a sensitive topic, but it's not entirely off-limits. The key is in how you approach the subject. If you're able to showcase your personal growth, resilience, and how you've learned to manage your mental health, it can actually make for a powerful essay. It's important to be authentic and honest. However, keep in mind that you don't want to give the impression that your struggles might interfere with your ability to succeed in college. Instead, focus on the positive aspects of your experiences and how they've shaped you as a person. Additionally, it might be helpful to get feedback from trusted individuals like teachers, counselors, or family members while drafting your essay. They can provide valuable insight on how your story might be perceived by admissions officers. Ultimately, it's your story to tell, and if you believe that discussing your mental health journey is essential to understanding who you are, then go for it. Just remember to approach the topic thoughtfully and carefully. Good luck!

a year ago

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