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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can I write about failure in my college essay?

Hello! I want to write about a personal failure I experienced and how it helped me grow, but I'm worried that it might reflect poorly on me. Is it okay to discuss failure in a college essay, or should I choose a more positive topic?

a year ago

Hello! Writing about failure in a college essay can be a great opportunity to showcase personal growth and resilience. Colleges are interested in seeing how you've learned from your experiences and how you've turned a negative situation into a positive one.

It's essential to focus on the lessons you've learned and the actions you've taken to overcome the failure. Make sure to highlight your strengths and demonstrate how you've become a better person as a result of the experience.

For example, my own child wrote about a time when they struggled with a group project and failed to meet the expectations of their teammates. They discussed how this experience prompted them to develop better communication and collaboration skills, which ultimately led to improved performance in future projects.

As long as you frame the story in a positive light and emphasize the growth that resulted from the failure, it can make for a compelling and insightful essay. Good luck!

a year ago

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