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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How can I improve my college application during the summer?

Hi all! I'm going into my senior year and I want to make the most of this summer to boost my college application. What are some things I can do during the summer to improve my application? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! It's great that you're thinking ahead and looking for ways to improve your college application during the summer. There are plenty of activities you can engage in to make your application stand out.

First, consider finding a summer job or internship related to your field of interest. This shows colleges that you're passionate about your future career and are taking steps to gain real-world experience. For example, a student interested in engineering could intern at a local engineering firm.

Another option is to participate in summer programs or camps that focus on your interests. Many colleges and universities offer pre-college programs for high school students, providing a great opportunity to learn more about a subject and experience campus life. Just remember that free and selective programs are the most impressive to colleges. You can check out summer program and internship opportunities on the CollegeVine blog:

Volunteering is another excellent way to show commitment to your community and develop leadership skills. Look for local organizations or nonprofits that align with your interests and values.

Lastly, use the summer months to work on your college essays and applications. Starting early will give you ample time to revise and polish your essays, ensuring you submit your best work.

Remember, it's important to focus on quality over quantity. Choose activities that truly interest you and demonstrate your passion and commitment. Good luck!

a year ago

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