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Is it better to have a job or an internship during the summer?

Hi all! I'm a high school junior and I'm considering my options for the summer before senior year. I'm not sure if I should try to find a job or apply for an internship. Which one would look better on my college applications and what are the benefits of each? Any advice would be super helpful!

a year ago

Hey there! It's great that you're starting to think about your summer options early. Both jobs and internships can provide valuable experiences and have their own benefits, so it ultimately depends on your goals and interests. However, internships tend to be more selective and overall will look more impressive since they're harder to get. I'll try to outline some of the key points for each option.

Jobs: A job can demonstrate responsibility, time management, and work ethic, all of which are important qualities for your college applications. Additionally, a job can provide you with some extra income, which can be helpful for your future expenses (internships can be paid, but paid ones can be harder to come by). Jobs can also help you develop important soft skills, such as communication and teamwork, that are useful in any career.

Internships: Internships tend to be more focused on a specific field or industry, providing you with a great opportunity to explore your career interests and gain relevant experience. This can be particularly advantageous if you know what you want to study in college or have a specific career path in mind. Internships can also help you build connections within the industry, which can be valuable in the future. On college applications, internships can showcase your passion and commitment to a particular field.

Ultimately, both options can be beneficial and can help you stand out on your college applications if you make the most of the experience. Consider what you're most interested in and what aligns best with your goals when deciding between a job and an internship. Best of luck!

a year ago

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