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How to find D1 softball colleges in California and Florida?

Hey there! I'm a junior looking to play softball at a D1 college, and I'm particularly interested in schools in California and Florida. I'm having trouble finding a list of all D1 softball colleges in these two states. Does anyone have any recommendations or resources I can use to find them? Thanks!

10 months ago

Hello! It's great to see that you're interested in playing D1 softball in California and Florida, as both states have some amazing programs. One way to find a list of all D1 softball colleges in these two states is to use the NCAA's website. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do so:

1. Go to

2. Hover over the "Schools and Conferences" tab at the top of the page.

3. Click on "Directory."

4. You'll be directed to the "DI School & Conference Directory" page.

5. Select "Softball" in the "Championship Sports" dropdown menu.

6. In the "State" dropdown menu, select either "California" or "Florida."

7. Press the "Search" button to display a list of D1 softball colleges in the selected state.

Repeat the process for the other state. The search results will show you the list of D1 softball colleges in each state, which should help you in your college search.

Additionally, you may want to consider other resources like college websites, social media accounts, and YouTube channels dedicated to college softball. These platforms can provide more in-depth information about the teams, coaching staff, facilities, and overall campus environment.

Remember, while playing softball at a D1 college is an amazing opportunity, it's essential to consider academics, campus life, and financial aid packages when choosing a school. Take the time to research each institution and see how well it aligns with your academic and personal goals.

Best of luck in your college search and your pursuit of playing D1 softball!

10 months ago

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