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Are abbreviations okay to use in college essays?

Hey everyone, I've noticed that I've used a few abbreviations in my college essay and I'm not sure if that's acceptable. Should I write out the full words or are abbreviations okay? Thanks for your input!

2 years ago

Hello! It's great that you're paying attention to the details in your college essay. In general, it's better to avoid abbreviations in your college essays, especially if they're informal or not widely known. The goal is to make your essay easily understandable to the admissions officers, and using unfamiliar abbreviations could create confusion.

That being said, some common abbreviations, such as 'U.S.' for the United States, or 'Ph.D.' for Doctor of Philosophy, are usually acceptable. Additionally, if you're discussing a specific organization or program that's well-known by its abbreviation (e.g. 'NASA', 'UNESCO'), it's fine to use the abbreviation after you have introduced it by writing out the full name at least once.

In summary, it's best to limit abbreviations in your college essays, but some commonly recognized ones are acceptable. Just make sure your writing is clear and easy to understand. Good luck with your essay!

2 years ago

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