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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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UC San Diego job outcomes for recent grads?

Hey everyone! I've been considering UC San Diego for college and I'm curious about the job outcomes for recent graduates. Have you guys heard anything about success rates, starting salaries, or companies that recruit from UCSD? Any help would be much appreciated!

10 months ago

Hello! UC San Diego has a strong reputation for producing well-prepared graduates, and many students go on to have successful careers after completing their degrees. While I don't have exact numbers for every major, I can provide you with some general information to give you an idea of UCSD's job outcomes.

UCSD has a strong overall job placement rate for its recent graduates. According to UCSD data, 86.1% of 2022–23 respondents received their first full-time job offer within three months of graduating. Of course, this varies by major, but overall, UCSD graduates tend to have positive outcomes in both the short and the long-term.

A variety of well-known companies and organizations actively recruit from UCSD. These include top tech companies like Google, Apple, and Facebook, as well as biotech and pharmaceutical giants such as Pfizer, Genentech, and Amgen. In addition, many consulting firms, financial services companies, and other major corporations in a wide range of industries hire UCSD graduates.

The University's location in Southern California also provides students with access to nearby job opportunities and networking connections in the thriving San Diego and Los Angeles metropolitan areas.

To get more specific information, I recommend visiting UCSD's Career Center website or reaching out to the career services office directly. They can provide more detailed data on job outcomes by major, as well as guidance on internship and co-op opportunities while you're still a student. Good luck with your decision, and I hope this information helps!

10 months ago

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