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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Good criminology schools nearby?

Hi! I'm searching for colleges offering criminology programs close to home. Is there a way to find local schools with strong criminology majors without checking each school individually? Appreciate any advice!

10 months ago

Certainly! A great way to find local schools with strong criminology majors is by using the CollegeVine school search tool. Here's what you'll do:

1. Start by visiting CollegeVine's website and navigateto the College Search page.

2. Use the filters to narrow down your search. Under "More filters" on the search page, you can specify your location by setting your state and a desired distance from home.

3. Click on "Majors" to filter by the one you're interested in, which in this case is criminology.

After applying the chosen filters, the search results will display colleges that offer criminology programs and are in the specified location close to your home.

Just bear in mind that not all schools might be included in CollegeVine's database, but it is a helpful starting point. Once you've found some promising schools, research each with a focus on the reputation and strength of their criminology programs. College websites and online forums can help you better understand the academic quality, faculty credentials, and opportunities for internships or research in the field.

Good luck with your search!

10 months ago

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