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Do I need to use MLA format for my college essay?

Hi everyone, I'm working on my college application essay and I'm not sure if I need to use MLA format or not. Is there a specific format that colleges are expecting, or can I just use whatever format I'm comfortable with? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello! It's great that you're working on your college application essay. When it comes to formatting, colleges usually don't require any specific citation style like MLA for the main personal statement. They're primarily concerned with the content and how well you express your thoughts and ideas.

That being said, it's still essential to maintain a clean and legible format. Make sure you use a standard font like Times New Roman or Arial, 12-point size, and 1-inch margins. Double-spacing is also a good idea for readability.

In case you're working on any supplemental essays that require sources, follow the formatting guidelines provided by the college. If they don't specify a citation style, it's better to choose one and be consistent, like using MLA or APA throughout the essay.

Focus on telling your unique story and showcasing your personality, and you'll do just fine. Good luck on your essay and college application process!

a year ago

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