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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Sac State - Is it part of the CSU system?

So, I'm considering applying to Sacramento State, and I just wanna confirm that it's part of the California State University system. Can someone verify this for me? Any info or insight about Sac State would be appreciated too. Thanks!

7 months ago

Yes, Sacramento State (often referred to as Sac State) is part of the California State University (CSU) system. The CSU system is one of the largest public higher education systems in the United States, consisting of 23 campuses across California. Sac State opened in 1947 and, over the years, has continued to grow in size and reputation.

Sac State particularly stands out for its strong programs in fields such as criminal justice, nursing, business, and education. The campus is located in California's capital city, which provides students ample opportunities for internships and networking within government, nonprofit, and private sectors. Additionally, their proximity to the downtown area gives students access to cultural events and activities.

As a member of the CSU system, Sac State's tuition is relatively more affordable compared to other private universities or the University of California system, making it a popular choice for many students seeking a high-quality education at a lower cost. Keep in mind that the application process for Sac State, like other CSU campuses, does not require essays. The admission decision primarily focuses on your high school GPA and course rigor.

If you haven't visited the campus yet, it might be a good idea to take a virtual tour or, if possible, attend an in-person tour to get a better sense of the campus environment and see if it's a good fit for you. Good luck with your college search and application process!

7 months ago

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