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Ohio State nursing program ranking?

Hi guys! I'm super interested in applying to the nursing program at Ohio State. Can anyone tell me how it ranks compared to other schools, and if there's anything specific I should know about the program?

7 months ago

Hey! Ohio State University's nursing program is highly regarded and well-ranked among top nursing schools. The program consistently ranks in the top 20 public nursing schools and top 40 overall nursing programs on the U.S. News & World Report's Best Nursing Schools: Master's and Doctor of Nursing Practice rankings. However, keep in mind that rankings can vary slightly depending on the source, so it's always a good idea to check multiple sources for a more comprehensive understanding of the program's reputation.

Some key aspects of Ohio State's nursing program worth noting include:

1. The College of Nursing offers various degrees: Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), and PhD in Nursing.

2. They offer a Direct Entry nursing pathway for high school applicants with a strong interest and aptitude in nursing. If you are admitted through this pathway, you are guaranteed a spot in the nursing program upon meeting certain requirements.

3. The program places a strong emphasis on research, innovation, and evidence-based practice, so students can expect to be involved in various research projects and initiatives throughout their time at Ohio State.

4. Ohio State's nursing program has strong clinical partnerships, providing students with diverse hands-on learning experiences in various settings such as hospitals, community centers, and schools.

5. The College of Nursing offers several study abroad programs, allowing students to gain global perspectives and experience healthcare systems in different countries.

As you research Ohio State's nursing program, be sure to consider factors such as your career goals, learning style, and personal preferences to determine if it is a good fit for you. Good luck with your applications!

7 months ago

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