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Missouri S&T: What's the Location Like?

I'm considering applying to Missouri Science & Technology, but I don't know much about the surrounding area. Can any current students or alumni give me a little insight into the University's location and what it's like living there?

7 months ago

Missouri S&T is located in Rolla, Missouri, which is a small college town with a population of around 20,000 people. Despite its size, the town has a friendly atmosphere and a strong sense of community. The university is a key part of the town, and many local businesses and events cater specifically to students.

One of the benefits of Rolla is its relatively low cost of living compared to larger cities, which can make it more affordable for students. There are plenty of housing options both on and off-campus, and you might find that apartments or houses to rent are quite reasonably priced.

Rolla has the essentials you need like grocery stores, a few restaurants, and some local shopping options. For students looking for outdoor activities, the area provides opportunities for hiking, fishing, and biking, thanks to nearby parks such as Mark Twain National Forest and the Ozark National Scenic Riverways.

Rolla's location about 100 miles west of St. Louis and 140 miles east of Springfield means that you're not too far from big cities if you're seeking a weekend getaway for more entertainment, dining, and shopping options.

However, if you're looking for a bustling urban environment, Rolla may not be the right fit for you. The town is relatively quiet, and the nightlife options are limited, but this can be a good thing for students who prefer a more peaceful and focused study environment.

In summary, Missouri S&T's location in Rolla offers a small-town feel with a tight-knit community and a low cost of living. There is a balance between the essentials for day-to-day life, outdoor recreation, and access to larger cities for additional activities. It might be ideal for students who appreciate a more peaceful environment with fewer distractions.

7 months ago

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