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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Help with requesting AP scores?

Hey, so I was wondering how I'm supposed to request my AP scores to be sent to colleges? Is it an automatic process, or do I have to manually do it through CollegeBoard? Also, are there any fees associated with it? Thanks for any help you can provide!

10 months ago

Hey there! To send your AP scores to colleges, you'll need to go through the College Board's website. It's not an automatic process, so you'll have to request it manually. Here's a brief overview of the process:

1. Sign in to your College Board account at

2. Click on "Send Available Scores Now" or "Send Additional Scores."

3. Search for the college you want to send your scores to, and then select it.

4. Repeat this process for each college you want to receive your AP scores.

As for the fees, sending AP scores does come with a cost. Currently, the fee is $15 per recipient. However, you might have the opportunity to send a score for free within a certain window, so just keep your eyes open for that. If you qualify for fee waivers for exams or other College Board services, you may be eligible for additional free score sends as well. Make sure to check with your school counselor to see if you qualify for any fee waivers.

Keep in mind that many colleges now accept self-reported scores in the application process, meaning you might not necessarily need to send the official scores until after you're admitted. This can save you some money. Be sure to check each college's specific policy regarding self-reported scores before deciding whether or not to send official reports.

Good luck with the college application process!

10 months ago

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