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Journalism at University of Richmond?

Anyone here studying or have studied journalism at the University of Richmond? How's the program and its reputation? Does the school offer good opportunities for journalism students - internships, connections, etc?

9 months ago

I can't speak from personal experience, but I've heard some positive feedback about the Journalism program at the University of Richmond. The program itself is interdisciplinary, allowing you to benefit from a well-rounded education while specializing in journalism. You'll have the opportunity to learn both traditional journalism skills, like writing and reporting, as well as new media techniques, such as video and podcast production.

As for opportunities, the University of Richmond has a strong alumni network and various resources to help students find internships and other hands-on learning experiences. Additionally, Richmond itself provides a great setting for journalism students to practice their craft, with access to local news outlets, state politics, and nonprofit organizations.

Students can also get involved with the campus newspaper, The Collegian, which is an excellent way to gain real-world journalism experience and build up a portfolio of published work. Beyond that, the University of Richmond regularly hosts guest speakers and events which can help students build connections within the field.

Although the journalism program at the University of Richmond may not have the same name recognition as those from larger universities and communication schools, the focus on interdisciplinary learning could work to your advantage when entering the field. Overall, the program's reputation is solid, and its opportunities for internships and hands-on experience should prepare you well for a career in journalism.

9 months ago

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