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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

College of the Holy Cross Application Fee?

Hey guys, I'm planning my college applications and wanted to know what the application fee for College of the Holy Cross is. If anyone knows the cost and has gone through the process, could you please share?

9 months ago

For the College of the Holy Cross, the application fee is $60. This fee is required when you submit your application. However, if you're facing financial difficulties, you can request an application fee waiver. The fee waiver process usually involves contacting the admissions office and providing evidence of financial need, or it might be granted automatically if you've received a fee waiver for the SAT or ACT.

By obtaining a fee waiver, you can reduce the financial burden of applying to college. It's worth exploring this option if you think you might qualify. Good luck with your application!

9 months ago

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