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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Do colleges prefer weighted or unweighted GPAs on applications?

Hi everyone, I'm wondering if colleges prefer to see weighted or unweighted GPAs on applications. Which one is more advantageous, or are they considered equally? Thank you for any insights!

a year ago

Hi there! Great question. The truth is that colleges don't have a strict preference for either weighted or unweighted GPAs. Instead, they consider both types along with the overall context of your academic performance. They're primarily interested in understanding how challenging your course load was and how you performed in those courses.

Weighted GPAs can give colleges a better sense of the difficulty of higher-level courses (like AP or IB) that you've taken, while unweighted GPAs may help level the playing field for students with different grading scales. Regardless of the type of GPA that your school reports, admissions officers will recalculate your GPA according to their specific methodology, and they'll also look at your transcript to get a more comprehensive view of your academic performance.

Good luck!

a year ago

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