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What are some common academic honors for high school students?

Hey! I'm updating my resume and college applications, but I'm having trouble coming up with a list of academic honors that I should be considering. Anyone mind sharing some examples of academic honors that high schools typically give out?

7 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to share some examples of academic honors that high schools typically award to students:

1. Honor Roll or Principal's List: These awards are given to students who achieve a certain GPA or grade threshold during a specific grading period (such as a semester or quarter).

2. National Honor Society (NHS) membership: NHS is a nationwide organization recognizing high school students who excel in scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Your school might have a chapter that you can join if you meet the requirements.

3. Advanced Placement (AP) Scholar Awards: The College Board offers different levels of AP Scholar Awards based on students' performance in AP exams. These include AP Scholar, AP Scholar with Honor, AP Scholar with Distinction, and State/National AP Scholar.

4. National Merit Scholarship Program: High school students can become National Merit Semifinalists, Finalists, or Scholars based on their PSAT/NMSQT scores and other criteria set by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation.

5. Subject-specific awards: Many schools recognize students who excel in different subject areas, such as math, science, history, or languages, by giving out departmental or subject-specific awards.

6. Class rank recognition: Schools might recognize students who are ranked within the top percentage of their graduating class, such as the top 10%, as an academic honor.

7. Academic letters or certificates: Some high schools award academic letters or certificates to students who meet certain scholarly criteria or participate in certain academic programs throughout their high school career.

8. Local, state, or national academic competitions: Participating in and winning awards at academic competitions, such as National History Day or science fairs, can be considered an academic honor.

9. International Baccalaureate (IB) achievements: If your school offers the IB program, you might receive academic honors for earning the IB Diploma or scoring well on IB exams.

These are just a few examples of academic honors that high schools might offer. It's important to include any honors you've received on your resume and college applications, as they can showcase your academic achievements and dedication to learning.

7 months ago

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