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Should I list reading as an extracurricular activity?

I'm a huge bookworm and spend a lot of time reading. Is reading considered an extracurricular activity or just a hobby, and should I list it on my college applications? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello there! Being a bookworm is a wonderful quality to have, and it's great that you're passionate about reading. As for your question, reading can be considered as both an extracurricular activity and a hobby.

Now, whether or not you should list it on your college applications depends on how you can showcase the impact this activity has had on you and your intellectual growth. If you feel that you can provide more depth and explain how reading has shaped your personality, helped you gain valuable insights, or led you to some unique experiences, then it could be worth mentioning.

However, if it comes across as just a pastime and you have more impressive or leadership-oriented extracurriculars to list, then it may be better to leave it out. In any case, great extracurricular activities should showcase your interests and strengths effectively. Good luck with your applications!

For relevant tips and advice on extracurriculars, you can check out this CollegeVine blog post:

a year ago

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