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I'm on a regional volleyball team - what are the college implications?

Hey! I've been playing a lot of volleyball in high school and recently got scouted for the Southeast Region team. I think it's a great opportunity, but does anyone have any insight on how this could impact my college admissions? Will it be impressive to colleges if I mention it in my application? Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Congratulations on being scouted for the Southeast Region team! This accomplishment can undoubtedly have a positive impact on your college applications. Participation in regional volleyball teams generally falls under Tier 2 or Tier 3 of the 4 Tiers of Extracurriculars used by admissions committees to evaluate a student's activities.

Tier 2 activities showcase high levels of achievement and leadership that are a bit more common than Tier 1 but still quite impressive. Tier 3 activities highlight a student's interests and still carry some distinction, albeit less than Tiers 1 and 2. As a region-level player, you demonstrate commitment, perseverance, and skill in an extracurricular activity, which can help you stand out among applicants.

Including this information in your application will show colleges your dedication, teamwork, and time management skills, as balancing academics and competitive sports can be challenging. Additionally, if you're planning to play volleyball in college, being scouted for the Southeast Region team could attract attention from college coaches and potentially provide opportunities for athletic scholarships at some NCAA colleges.

To maximize the impact of your volleyball achievements on your applications, be sure to incorporate this experience into your extracurricular activities section, and if applicable, mention it in your essays. This will allow admissions officers to see how playing volleyball has shaped your personal growth and positively influenced your character.

In summary, your accomplishment will definitely be impressive to colleges and can contribute to a well-rounded application that showcases your passion and dedication to volleyball. Good luck with your college applications and future volleyball endeavors!

9 months ago

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