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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is there a specific topic that colleges prefer in application essays?

Hi everyone, I'm struggling to choose a topic for my college essay. I was wondering if there's any specific topic that colleges prefer or a certain theme I should focus on? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello! It's common for students to wonder about the 'perfect' topic for their college essays. While there isn't a specific topic or theme that colleges universally prefer, the most important thing is to make your essay authentic and personal to you. You want your essay to showcase your character, values, and experiences.

When choosing a topic, think about what makes you unique, what aspects of your background or personality you want the admissions officers to know, and how you can connect that to an engaging story. Avoid generic topics or writing an essay that seems like a résumé. Instead, choose something that has impacted you personally and allows you to reflect on how it has shaped your life.

Some examples of personal topics might include an extracurricular activity or hobby you're passionate about, a challenge you've faced, or a moment of personal growth. The key is to share your genuine voice, write about something that you hold close, and illustrate this through a vivid anecdote or reflection. Good luck!

a year ago

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