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Will taking community college classes during high school help my chances of college admissions?

Hey everyone, I'm a high school junior considering taking some community college classes to boost my transcript. I wonder if this could be seen favorably by college admissions officers. Any advice or insight is appreciated. Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! Taking community college classes during high school can certainly benefit your transcript in several ways. Firstly, it demonstrates to admissions officers that you're open to challenging yourself and seeking higher-level coursework. Additionally, it shows your initiative to further expand your academic horizon outside of normal high school offerings.

My own child took a few community college courses during their high school years, and it was a great experience for them. Not only did it improve their transcript by showcasing academic rigor, but they also gained valuable college course experience and even earned some credits that they could transfer to their university. Of course, colleges will evaluate your entire application, including your grades, extracurriculars, and essays. These additional community college courses can definitely be a positive factor.

The bottom line? I'd say that taking community college classes while in high school can be a valuable asset to your application if it aligns with your academic interests and goals. Best of luck with your educational journey!

a year ago

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