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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How do I pick a major for college?

I'm starting to think about college and I'm feeling overwhelmed by all the potential majors. How did you guys choose your major? Any advice on how to narrow down my options and pick something I'll enjoy?

a year ago

Hey there! I understand that choosing a major can be a daunting task, but don't worry! It's a process that many students go through. When my child was in the same boat, I suggested they try a few different strategies to help figure out what they were passionate about.

First, I recommend making a list of your interests, strengths, and potential career goals. This can give you a rough idea of the areas you may want to explore further. You could also consider taking elective courses in different fields during your first year to find out which subjects truly engage you.

Finally, talking to professors, current students, or people in different careers related to the majors you're interested in can provide valuable insights and help you decide which major may suit you best. Don't forget, many colleges allow you to change your major, so you won't necessarily be locked into your initial choice. Check out this CollegeVine blog post for more helpful advice on picking a major:

a year ago

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