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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is it too late for me to start doing community service?

I'm a junior and I haven't done any community service yet. I'm feeling a bit stressed out because I know that colleges like to see students who are involved in their community. Is it too late for me to start volunteering? Will it still make a difference in my college applications?

a year ago

It's never too late to start doing community service! While it's true that colleges do appreciate students who demonstrate involvement in their community, it's also important to remember that they look at the whole picture of your application. Starting community service now, even as a junior, is still beneficial and can make a difference in your college applications. The key is to be genuine and committed in your volunteering efforts. Focus on finding opportunities that align with your interests or causes you're passionate about. This will not only make your experience more enjoyable, but it will also come across as more authentic on your application. Make the most of the time you have left in high school by dedicating a significant amount of time to your chosen community service project(s). This will show colleges that you're serious about making a positive impact, even if you started a little later than some of your peers. So, don't stress too much about getting a late start! Instead, use this as an opportunity to grow and develop your skills, while contributing to your community in a meaningful way.

a year ago

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