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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can you guys help me come up with some creative college essay topics?

I'm trying to brainstorm some unique topics for my college essay, but I'm a bit stuck. I want to stand out but also make sure my essay is still meaningful and well-written. Any ideas or suggestions you could give me would be fantastic!

a year ago

Sure, I'd be happy to help you brainstorm for your college essay! It's important to choose a topic that genuinely interests you and showcases your personality or character growth. Here are a few ideas to consider:

1. An unexpected hobby or personal talent that shaped your identity, like ventriloquism or beekeeping.

2. A memorable, emotionally resonant experience, such as volunteering at a homeless shelter or organizing a community event, that taught you valuable life lessons.

3. Discuss a unique family tradition or cultural experience that has played a role in defining who you are today. For example, learning to cook traditional dishes with your grandmother.

4. A creative project you've undertaken, such as writing poetry or designing eco-friendly clothing, and how it has influenced your goals, values, or self-perception.

5. Address a misconception or stereotype about yourself or your background and how you've worked to challenge or redefine it.

Remember to focus on personal details and anecdotes that demonstrate your growth or character development. A well-written essay will ultimately stand out if it's genuine and insightful. For more guidance, you should check out CollegeVine's blog post on essay brainstorming Good luck!

a year ago

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