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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Examples of Academic Achievements: What qualifies?

Hi everyone, as I begin my college search, I've noticed applications ask for a list of academic achievements. Could someone give me some examples of what counts as an academic achievement, and should I include all of them or just the most important ones?

10 months ago

Hello! Academic achievements are those accomplishments that showcase a student's intellect, dedication, and success within an educational setting. As you prepare to list your academic achievements on your college applications, here are some examples to help you identify them:

1. High GPA: A high cumulative GPA (3.7 or above) can be considered an accomplishment, especially if you've taken a challenging course load with many AP or honors classes.

2. Class rank: Being in the top 10% or higher in your school is an achievement that demonstrates your academic prowess.

3. Honor Rolls: Being on the honor roll multiple times throughout high school shows consistency in your excellence.

4. Academic awards: Any recognition you have received for academic performance, such as a "Best Student" award or subject-specific awards (e.g., Mathlete, Science Olympiad, etc.)

5. Advanced course distinctions: Completing an IB Diploma, or having completed several AP/IB courses with high grades, indicates that you've excelled in more challenging coursework.

6. Standardized test scores: If you have outstanding SAT/ACT scores, these can be included as achievements. Some colleges, though, may not consider them due to test-optional policies.

7. National/Statewide competitions: Winning or excelling in academic competitions like spelling bees, writing contests, or math competitions can count as an achievement.

8. Scholarships: Receiving any academic-based scholarships also shows you have been recognized for your talents.

9. Exceptional projects or research: Completing an outstanding Capstone project, science fair project, or participating in a research program (some even collaborate with university professors) can also be considered an achievement.

As for how many to include, focus on the most important and impressive ones that best showcase your academic strengths and dedication. Admissions officers appreciate seeing a summary of your most significant accomplishments, so aim to prioritize quality over quantity. Good luck with your college search!

10 months ago

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