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Can the same essay be submitted for multiple scholarship applications?

Hey there! I've worked really hard on an essay for a scholarship, and I was wondering if I could submit the same essay for other scholarships as well? Or should I tweak it for each application? I'd appreciate any advice.

a year ago

Hey! Congrats on finishing your essay for the scholarship. As someone who's been through this with my own child, I can understand why you might want to use the same essay for multiple scholarships, especially if you feel like you've put a lot of effort into it.

In general, yes, you can use the same essay for multiple scholarship applications if they are asking for similar topics. However, it's always a good idea to tailor the essay for each specific application by researching and understanding the goals and values of the organization or scholarship committee. By doing so, you'll show genuine interest and can better address their criteria.

For example, my child wrote an essay about overcoming challenges related to community service and used it for multiple scholarships with community service-related themes. They just made sure to adjust some parts of the essay to fit the specific requirements of each scholarship.

So, go ahead and submit the essay for other scholarships but remember to tweak it as needed. Good luck with your applications!

a year ago

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