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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Tips for writing a first-gen immigrant college essay?

Hi everyone! I'm a first-gen immigrant, and I want to write about my experiences in my college essay. But I'm not really sure how to approach it. Does anyone have tips or advice on how to make it stand out? Thank you!

a year ago

Hi there! Writing about your first-gen immigrant experiences can definitely make for a powerful and unique essay. The key is to focus on a specific aspect or experience that has shaped your identity and growth. Instead of trying to cover every aspect of your experience, pick a moment or story that demonstrates your resilience, hard work, and integration into your new community.

For example, you could discuss challenges you faced in adapting to a new culture, language barriers, or how you've contributed to the community by sharing your own cultural background. Emphasize what you've learned from these experiences, and how they've prepared you for college and beyond.

a year ago

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