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What factors do colleges consider when evaluating applications?

Hello, I'm a junior who's just starting to think about college applications, and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. I know that colleges look at several factors when evaluating applications, but I'm not exactly sure what they are. Can anyone help me understand what colleges consider when deciding who to admit? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hi there! It's great that you're starting to think about college applications early. You're correct that colleges consider various factors when evaluating applications. Let me break it down for you.

1. Academics: This includes your GPA, course rigor (honors, AP, or IB classes), and standardized test scores (SAT/ACT). Colleges want to see that you can handle the academic workload and succeed in your chosen major.

2. Extracurricular activities: Colleges want students who are well-rounded and actively engaged in their communities. This can include clubs, sports, volunteer work, and internships.

3. Essays: Your personal statement and supplemental essays give colleges a chance to understand who you are beyond the numbers. This is an opportunity to showcase your personality, values, and goals.

4. Letters of recommendation: Teachers and counselors can speak to your character, work ethic, and potential for success in college.

Remember, the admissions process can vary depending on the college, but these factors are generally considered important. Good luck with your applications!

a year ago

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