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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the best way to research college majors?

Hello! I'm having trouble deciding on possible college majors, and I'd like some advice on the best ways to research different majors and figure out which one might be the best fit for me. Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! It's always a good idea to research college majors thoroughly, so kudos for taking the initiative. One effective method I've found helpful is checking out the course catalogs of various colleges. Do some research into the required courses, electives, and overall structure of the programs that pique your interest. This can give you insights into what it would be like to study that major.

Another great way to learn more about potential majors is to talk with current college students and recent graduates in those fields. They can provide you with firsthand information about their experiences, the types of projects they worked on, and their career prospects after graduation.

You could also explore websites like CollegeVine, which provide resources such as guides to different majors, college ranking lists, and advice on college admissions processes. There are articles and blogs that discuss specific majors and the types of careers they can lead to.

In terms of assessing personal aptitude and preference, consider job shadowing, internships, or part-time jobs in the fields you're interested in. This will give you a hands-on perspective on the daily tasks that professionals in those fields perform and help you understand if it's the right fit for you.

Remember, it's perfectly normal to be uncertain about your major choice. Many students change their major during college, so consider keeping an open mind and staying flexible. Best of luck in your research!

a year ago

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