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TTU housing prices: How much does it cost?

Hey! I'm looking into Texas Tech University and am wondering about the housing situation. What do I need to know about the prices of on-campus housing, and are there any affordable off-campus options nearby that you'd recommend?

7 months ago

Hello! Texas Tech University offers a variety of on-campus housing options, with costs varying depending on your preferences for dormitory type and meal plans.

For the 2022-2023 academic year, on-campus housing at TTU ranged from about $4,000 to $6,000 per semester. Traditional residence halls and shared rooms are generally less expensive, while more spacious suite-style or apartment-style living options come with a higher price tag. Be sure to factor in meal plan costs as well, which can range from $1,800 to $2,200 per semester.

As for off-campus housing, Lubbock has numerous affordable apartments and rental houses nearby. You can find a variety of options, with prices ranging from as low as $400 per month (for a shared rental house or apartment) to upwards of $800 per month (for a private one-bedroom apartment). Keep in mind that these prices don't typically include utilities, so budget accordingly.

Some popular off-campus housing options near TTU are The Scarlet, The Holly, and The Avenue at Lubbock. When searching for off-campus housing, be sure to consider factors such as distance to campus, whether you'll need a car or can rely on public transportation, and the safety of the neighborhood.

It's a good idea to compare on-campus and off-campus options based on your personal preferences, budget, and transportation needs. Remember, living on campus may give you a better sense of community and help you stay engaged with university events, which can be a big plus especially as you're acclimating to the school as a freshman, while off-campus housing can offer more independence and potentially lower costs. Good luck with your decision!

7 months ago

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